Jali Real Estate

Accueil > About Us > Management Team > Ignatius NTAGANIRA


Human Resources & Administration Officer

vendredi 16 novembre 2018, par Amani

NTAGANIRA Ignatius Serves Jali real Estates Ltd as Human Resource and Administration officer, He is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices for JRE Ltd.

Mr. Ntaganira has an experience in planning Monitoring and evaluation of projects, Management of field teams whereby he provided guidance, instruction, direction and leadership to the employees, mobilization of projects team leaders (CMS -Community Mobilisation Specialists), able to mobilise beneficiaries to form Cooperatives and build their capacity in cooperative management and business planning, has experience in Assess performance of Employee’s to ensure effectiveness in order to achieve quarterly and annually targets of projects, Has also experience in Business plan development support to cooperative’s projects , he has an experience in Physical monitoring of each and every Cooperative’ s Income Generating Activity to assess their performance, identify areas of support and advise accordingly, offering Technical support in book keeping and records management.

Mr. NtaganiraHas also experience in conducting large scale surveys Example Financial inclusion Rwanda 2015.Experience in using tablets AFR (Access to finance Rwanda 2017) have an experience in using tablets for the data record, I participated in data correction from various Usaccos (Umurenge Sacco’s) from Eastern Province Financed by AFR where I used tablets for making survey.

Mr. Ntaganira is a holder Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Finance from University of Lay Adventists of Kigali.

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